Thursday, September 29, 2011

Secrest of Ayurvedic Massage – An Ancient Diary of Medical Systems

As opposite to western body massage Ayurvedic massage is an ancient practice that is based on believes about human body composition and life forms. According to theories, lives forms have “dosha” which is composed of multiple and unique mix of energies like “vata, pitta and kapha” which are same as air, fire and water in today’s concepts. Ayurvedic massage is primarily aimed at creating harmony in the human body and health balancing. Following are some of the secrets of Ayurvedic massage that help you getting well-being and overall improved lifestyle.
  • Body Purification
  • Health Balancing and Well-Being
  • Increasing Effectiveness of Immune System
  • Diet and Herbal Based Treatment
  • Muscle Tone Strength
  • Relaxation and Youthfulness

There are even more useful aspects of Ayurvedic massage which involves essential oils according the body and skin type to suit the best. Different practices are used for massage that includes tapping, kneading, squeezing and normal massage throws and strokes. Often, oiled balls and stones are also used for the massage but all that depends upon the skin type and “dosha” of the individual. During the massage, therapist considers marma points which are quite sensitive and contributes to drive relaxation and are similar to pressure points as in acupuncture etc.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ayurvedic Spa Treatment – Before and After!

Ayurvedic massage being an ancient lifestyle for well-being and health balancing is adopted not only in the India but across the world. These massages and therapies are accustomed to each individual to that is purely suitable according to the body and skin type. Though Ayurvedic massage is quite safe and heath giving practice for individuals of all ages yet precautionary measures should be taken to ensure no side effect or any problem. During the massage you should be very relaxed and should respond to therapist who may ask questions about your lifestyle and health in order to design a suitable massage and constituents for you. However, it would be better to have some points into consideration before and after a massage and those are given below.

Before an Ayurvedic Massage:
·         You should be prepared mentally
·         You should not do any tiresome jobs
·         You should not eat heavy meal or take alcohol
·         You should consult the therapist about any specific caution
·         In case of pregnancy, you should disclose it to therapist
·         Any medical concerns should be communicated before undergoing a massage
·         Wearing throw away or dispensable clothes

After an Ayurvedic Massage:
·         You should take a shower
·         You should not do grueling jobs
·         You should take light meal
·         You should relax for sometime
·         You should take some cool drink but not alcohol
Above points will help you experiencing a healthy and fruitful massage with safety.  You may consult some pro therapist for more detail precautionary measures.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Osteopathy – A Safer Medical Treatment for Athletes

Osteopathy is another medical system that is different than other medical treatments and practices. It is primarily based on neuro-muscular-skeletal system of the body and equally suitable for all ages. Osteopathy is mostly used for back aches, joints and muscular pain using techniques that are suitable and specific to a patient.  The very basic idea of osteopathy is about human body structure and integral mechanism of the organs or body parts. It is assumed that human body is indivisible whole meaning that no body part can be treated or presumed in isolation and it has ability of self-cure and constitutes the treatment process and similarly different other elements are taken into diagnosis of the patient like social aspects and related psychology concerns.
Osteopathy london is in fact related to psychological elements a lot more than other aspect because the primary diagnosis process is based on enquiring the patient and getting know how about him or her so that it may reveal the causes of pain. It may sometimes include listening to patient’s experiences and history to determine grounds of the pain like an athlete can be questioned to explain how the game works and body movements in order to observe joint’s condition and possible reason which could have triggered the pain. Apart from that, different other diagnosis methods can be used like X-rays, CT scans and some clinical investigations can also be put together if needed to diagnose properly. These investigations may include gentle and non-invasive practices like giving up deep massages, tapping, articulation etc.

Monday, September 26, 2011

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a medical system aims at alleviating pain and tackling complaints that result from sports mishaps, unusual activities, workplace injuries, arthritis and somehow migraine. It is a process in which human body is considered as integrated and no organ or part is treated in isolation thus helps to reduce and lift up the pain. There are there fundamentals of Osteopathy which are: first the human body is an indivisible whole and cannot be considered in parts, second human body has the ability to heal itself and third is about interdependence of body and its functions.
Osteopathy london reveals the fact that in most of the cases, pain and physical limitations come across due to unbalance of activities or abnormality of human body and its function. During the diagnosis of patient there are different techniques which are used and most commonly joints, muscular system and ligaments are helpful. Often, smooth and invasive process is adopted during treatment or investigation of the patient like deep massage and tapping etc. However, an osteopath questions the patient about his or her routine job or activities which might result in pain in short a case history which helps determining the problem and ultimately delivering and prescribing some suitable treatment.

Ayurvedic Treatment – An Ultimate Cure for Turmeric and Arthritis

Ayurveda is considered to be an ancient medical system by most of the scholars and therapist having roots in India. It is in fact a holistic approach for health maintenance that helps living long and well-being. According to theorist, it is thought as an ultimate approach to cure every known illness and specially to maintain your health. For example, on the average more than millions of people suffer from arthritis which is because of assaults of immune system of the body that affects joints and causes pain alongside various other problems like stiffness and loss of control – can be cured with Ayurvedic massage, treatment and medicines like herbal turmeric and is used widely to overcome arthritis.
According to a research at University of Arizona, symptoms were created in rats that imitate arthritis as in human and in different experiments those rats were treatment with extracts of turmeric to prove the results which are suggested use of curcuminoids which could be even more useful to avoid and cure arthritis symptoms. It was also found during the research that only curcuminoids based formulas are only safe and effective with minimal amount of the dosage and as per research, rats were having more sound results when treated before inflammation.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Kinds of Ayurvedic Treatments Which You Can Opt!

Ayurvedic treatment of massage is a kind of therapy that not only gives you peace and relaxed sensation but is also a means of well-being. It has roots in ancient medical treatments and now a day it is adopted as a formal therapy and according to theories various diseases can be cured with Ayurveda. It involves certain oils and liquids during massage and different techniques are used like tapping, kneading and squeezing etc. However, for proper Ayurvedic massage it is always recommended to consult some therapist or a pro expert for proper treatment. In the following some of the formal spa treatments under Ayurveda are listed.
·         Indian Ayurveda head massage
·         Abhyanga – an herbal oil massage
·         Abhyanga Garshana – dry lymphatic skin brushing afterwards an oil massage is endorsed
·         Vishesh – herbal oil muscular massage
·         Pizzichili – warm oil massage by two therapist
·         Shiro Abhyanga Nasya – aromatic steam with dry lymphatic for head and neck and shoulders
·         Ayurvedic Foot Massage – extensive foot and toe massage
·         Udwarthanam – herbal powders massage for slimming
·         Ayervedic  Shirodhara – therapy by pouring oil on forehead
·         Face and Marma Therapy – herbal mask and essential oil massage for face
Above are some of the treatments commonly taken by individuals and vary according to their skin type and body because not all oil suits every individual so oils and liquids may be different for each individual. Additionally, one should take care or consult with therapist before taking any treatment.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tension Free Life: Get Inner Relaxation and Satisfaction with Meditation – Part II

Following are some more benefits of Meditation.

Benefits to Health
It greatly helps boosting up neurons to perform well, while with minimum stress the chances of one can get heart ailments decreases.

Get Your Own Charge
One of the best advantage and often people ask for, meditation really plays a vital role enabling people to take full charger of their mind and thoughts rather being influenced by negatives thoughts.

Avail Full Concentration
By employing meditation in our routine, it really improves the internal power to concentrate over a particular activity one aimed for to done or achieved.

There are a lot more benefits of meditation that could offer, but it’s not a doodle task to avail everything as it requires sound diligence, because our mind takes healthy time to get adaptation. Poles apart, it is also difficult to explain inner feelings one gets from meditation, just start meditating by yourself and drive yourself into amazingly enchanted world of peace and for more detailed consultation, you may consult Meditation London to experience peace and satisfaction.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tension Free Life: Get Inner Relaxation and Satisfaction with Meditation – Part I

We are living in a amazingly fast moving world, even we don't get time to get relax, sounds horribly. Well, at this particular spot you people going to get to know about meditation, and how it really get you in into cozy zone. In essence, it was first adopted in Eastern cultures, considering its role and important as the time passes on, it has been adopted by Western cultures even too. According to Hale Clinic Osteopath expertise and Meditation London firms stated that getting a good physique by medication should not be the core target, while having a relax mind and satisfactory emotions are also the prerequisite for capital health.

According to Meditation London firms, there are various kind of meditations, depending upon the geographical locations as well as local religions, for instance, Muslims have their own style of meditation, Buddhists follow their own, Zen has got its own set of rules and so on with healthy figure. No matter, what kind of meditation has been employed, it has got the same benefits as mentioned as followed.

Reducing Stress
Whenever one thinks of meditation, stress is the mere target one think to resolve. No doubt, it really helps so, by just spending maximum 15 minutes in meditation, one can reduce great altitude of stress.

Difficulty in Meditation: Feeling Sleepy During Meditation Practice – Part II

Following are 3 tips to overcome insomnia.

Tip # 1:
Most of the people stating that they had a busy schedule throughout the entire day and the only free time they get is the bed time. Though, they start meditating in bed time which most often feel like to sleep. If you have got no free time in day so try to meditate early before bed time.

Tip # 2:
Morning time has been tagged as the best time to meditate, to work out and to do all else sorts of mental activities as your brain is entirely relaxed to start working. If you are intended to meditate in early morning, expect for wholesome treasure and health.

Tip # 3:
Don’t let your free time goes waste. Most of the times we are required to wait for someone or for something during our whole day. Try to don’t miss those little chunks but to invest it in meditation practices. This will get involve your mind in meditation and yet you won’t feel sleeping when you attempt to start meditation.

Above, are the most useful tips to avoid sleeping during meditation or formally insomnia because it may be a hurdle to go through a sound process of meditation. However, you may consult with Meditation London to have better advice and detailed discussion.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Let’s Get Started with Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda is fundamentally based on body’s organic and functional relationship within body parts and it has roots in ancient medical systems originated from India. The term Ayurveda is taken from “Sanskirt” and is in fact composed of two words which are Ayus and Veda which means life and knowledge respectively and so Ayurveda means knowledge of life. However, different theorist have drawn different meaning of it but the main concept has been the same which is about practicing different treatments with natural herbs and therapies to maintain your health. Initially, it was popular and used as a medical system in India but now it has widely adopted in western countries as a treatment to be healthier and well-being. Primarily there are two types of Ayurveda: first is traditional and second is maharishi. Mahrishi is a version of traditional Ayurveda influenced by Mahesh Yogi. However, both of Ayurvedic practitioners suggest use of herbs and specifically Maheshi Ayurveda focus on consciousness for good health maintenance. Different types of Ayurvedic massage, treatment and medicines now exist to cure almost every known illness and getting well-being. However, each massage type is chosen according to the body and skin in order to yield maximum benefit and satisfaction but it is always recommended to consult some pro therapist before going for a massage or therapy.

Difficulty in Meditation: Feeling Sleepy During Meditation Practice – Part I

Meditation, which is a well-known term for sure but the weird part of the story is people states too many excuses or they face difficulties for real while they meditate. Everyone knows that meditation has a giant treasure to commend one with though still most of us procrastinating to have a regular routine of meditation practices.  Affirming to pro masters of Meditation London clinic, most of the people reporting that they feeling sleep while meditating. Though, falling asleep is good for health as it results in the similar way meditation do.

However, there are some people who are suffering from sleeping problems and disorders, in formal wordings, insomnia. Though, some people feeling sleep during meditation, which is not good at all as it will keep restricts you not meditate. Well, don’t get worry if you are one of them. You can get rid of this obstacle in no time by just following few tips from the experts of meditation practices. These tips will not only help you to meditate quite normal and sound but will also help you gain maximum benefits and results out of meditation.

Friday, September 16, 2011

A Brief Overview Colonic Therapy – Part II

Main focal point of colonic irrigation is to detoxification of body via cleansing of colon using different techniques and liquids like water administration, herbal solutions etc. which smoothly wipes out the waste or help getting them out of the body. Proponents of colonic therapy think of it being an effective method to remove the waste from the colon and promotes that detoxification may boost up efficiency of human body aside natural recovery and due to this ready they suggest it as a treatment for sickness. At the same time, some of the proponents promote it as a regular preventive approach to ensure health and fitness. Usually, colonic therapist is called colonichygienist or colon therapist who make use of plastic tubes which are inserted via rectum into the colon and with the help of pumping mechanism water or solutions are injected into large intestine and then some sort of massage is applied on abdomen to help evacuation of the waste from the body which is administered through another tube carrying waste and the liquids from the body. This process at Colonic Irrigation London is quite simple and repeated several times to complete detoxify the body from the waste and on the average it takes around 40-60 minutes for completion.

A Brief Overview Colonic Therapy – Part I

The word Colon has driven “Colonic” and colonic treatment or therapy is usually referred with different contextual names such as colonic irrigation, colonic hydrotherapy, and enemas irrigation, enemas therapy, detoxification therapy etc. but all these names does not exist in medical or scientific terms because these are old practices used initially by Egyptian and later on by others. Colonic therapy is in fact a cleansing process of large intestine (colon) by means of water, herbal solutions, coffee substances and other enzymes etc. Egyptians found it to be helpful practice to clean colon but no such medical evidence proves its effectiveness to cure serious diseases like cancer. However, it could be dangerous as well because there is probability of infections or some serious hazardous situation which may cause death. But, careful and sophisticated processes and practices in hospitals have reduced the risk and it was used in hospital but later on replaced by sound purgatives used for evacuation of bowel prior dealing with related impaction. So, if you wish to undertake colonic irrigation or colonic therapy then you must consult with professional medical consultants like Colonic Hydrotherapy London in order to minimize the associated risk and hazard which may cause due to various reasons.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ayurvedic Treatment – Getting Started Briefly!

Ayurveda is purely a holistic approach to maintain health and being an ancient Asian method it seems quite popular in India (it had been originated and practiced since last 5000 years in India). It drives natural, herbal and traditional constituents for a healthier well-balanced and long lived life. Primarily, it was only practiced in Asian countries but now has been adopted in Western countries for medical treatment to cure diseases based on roots objectives of Ayurveda which is to avoid sickness by a balanced mindset, body via suitable diet, herbal prescriptions, meditation and therapies etc. Ayurvedic treatment covers different practices and is mostly determined by the nature of human body and skin type just like in therapies.
Ayurvedic massage is a kind of Ayurveda treatment that involves tapping, rubbing, squeezing with essential oils that suits your body and skin. Basically, this massage is to focus on “marma points” to make your feel relaxed and peaceful just like in reflexology and acupuncture. However, before you prepare yourself for ayurvedic massage or treatment you must consult with a professional therapist or be ready yourself since a therapist may ask you questions which will help to deliver a comfortable massage and in a case if you are suffering from some disease or if you are pregnant than you must disclose the fact before you get massage as it may cause some hazard.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Reiki – The Concepts and Practices

Reiki is an ancient health care and medical treatment which helps in maintaining help, improving, healing and well-being. Being an ancient treatment method sometimes people think of it being a religion which is not true. Reiki is not a religion but only a treatment to reduce stress and to feel relax alongside other benefits. It is quite important to understand and clear the concepts of Reiki that it is not anyway linked to religion and is only a procedure which involves emotions, will power, spiritual feeling and body of human to experience certain sense. It aims at self-improvement, well-being and spiritually sound to cure almost every illness just virtually without having any medical treatment or operations.
Reiki involves learning by observation and does not require formal education to be taught. It is so simple that anybody can learn and experience regardless of the age and ethnicity. Additionally, Reiki can be put together with medical treatments with no harm at all since it is just a virtual and spiritual process. According to Reiki practitioners, natural healing suggests having ethical ideals to promote harmony and peace which is almost standard norms in all ethnicity groups and cultures. Having ethical ideals boosts up the spiritual well-being and resultantly it helps to heal and cure from the diseases. One may consult Reiki London to better guidance and help.

Reiki – An Effective Approach towards HealthCare and Fitness – Part II

Rieki treatment sounds to be a bit spiritual and it feels like a marvelous experience. During the treatment, a person is centered and assumed like having glowing radiance that flows around that particular person and through as well. In this treatment, different elements are consumed like emotions, mindset, feelings and spiritual impressions that help in producing sense of relaxation, calm, protection and overall well-being. Usually, people take classes for Reiki and often find teachers or mentors for Reiki London treatment but it is quite simple and natural approach to be relaxed alongside being safe and avoiding medical dose. Reiki is found to be a cure for virtually every known illness because it involves inducing feeling of well-being, cured, safety and relaxed and that influences not only the brain power to feel healthy but also strengthens the immune system to recover and act against the diseases (if it is mapped to medical approach and therapies of today). Reiki is also effective with other medical treatments like proper medication and dosage, therapies and massage etc. and promotes recovery.
One can learn Reiki in a class but it is not dependent upon intellect and wisdom of an individual because the treatment is so simple that it is delivered through observation and is taught to countless people of different ages and ethnicity.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Reiki – An Effective Approach towards HealthCare and Fitness – Part I

Health care and fitness is essentially important for everyone and usually people consult with doctors, consultants and also endorse good practices to maintain their health. Numerous diseases and treatments we know about but it is generally considered and preferred to choose simplest treatment and precautionary measures to be sound in health or in case of a disease. However, some disease does not have that strong or sophisticated treatment in medicine rather traditional exercises, practices and precautionary steps prove to be more effective to cure and heal like Reiki London. Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique that helps to reduce stress and makes you feel relaxed. It also promotes healing and contributes towards good health maintenance.
In fact, the word “Reiki” is composed of two Japanese words “Rei” which means wisdom and high power” whilst “Ki” means life force energy so both combined draws meaning as “Life Force Energy guided by Wisdom and Power” – It can be mapped to advanced medicine techniques as well like Immune system which is almost analogically same as life force energy and power because if life force is down in body of a human than feeling of sickness or stress come up and often a person falls ill (according to Reiki theories). On the other hand, if immune system in the body goes down then different diseases may overcome because of low resistive power in the body that could prevent you from illness.